Emotional Wellbeing Offer
– for Parents and Pupils
‘Mental health’ is a state of mind that allows us to cope with the normal challenges we face in life; it is an ability to ‘bounce back’. We know that our mental health can be supported by protective factors, but also eroded by risk factors. Evidence tells us that when risk factors are detected in the early years, it can help shape positive mental health across a lifespan.
Since 2014 Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) has become a category of Special Educational Needs. Children with SEMH need will receive support in school. We work closely with outside agencies including Child and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS), the Educational Psychology team and our inhouse Emotional Wellbeing Team as well as HCAT Family Support Team to ensure the best outcomes for our children.
Key Principles
Our restorative values form the foundations of a culture within our school that recognises how important mental health and emotional wellbeing are to our lives, in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement and have a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing where everyone understands, believes in and is prepared to strive for. Our aim is to increase the awareness and understanding and reduce stigma amongst children, staff and our wider community of issues involving the mental health and wellbeing of young people and to provide support at an early stage to any child who is or appears to be suffering from mental health issues.
Through The HCAT Signature, Eastfield’s Character Education ‘SMART values’ to develop children who are Social, Motivated, Ambitious, Resilient and Thoughtful and our Jigsaw PSHE programme which focuses on the mindfulness philosophy, we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers). We are enabling our children to become healthy, independent, responsible and confident members of society. Children will understand how they are developing personally and socially and many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up will be tackled. They will be provided with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and to appreciate what it means to live and thrive as part of a diverse society.
Emotional Wellbeing Support
– Pupil and Parent Offer
Our dedicated wellbeing workers, Mrs Smith and Mrs Watts, provide emotional help and support for children and parents. They provide emotional wellbeing support for individual pupils or groups of pupils on a daily or weekly basis. They provide regular check-ins with children when issues that need addressing are actioned and followed up quickly. The Emotional Wellbeing Team promote strong home/school relationships with parents and help pupils by promoting restorative practice and aid resolving conflict between pupils. On occasion, the team provide more specialist and bespoke programmes of work such as ELSA.
The Emotional Wellbeing Team work closely with the class teachers to ensure there is a consistent approach in all classrooms that works efficiently and effectively. All classes have a twice daily feelings check in and board in every class. There is a worry box in every class as well as outside the wellbeing room.
Where the Emotional Wellbeing Team feel that families need a bespoke package of support, they can refer to the Trust’s Family Project Manager for family and behaviour support.
Our qualified Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) supports senior leaders in implementing the whole school approach to mental health in school.
The school works closely with the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) NHS who offer one-to-one work, group work, class sessions, staff training, assemblies and support for parents. This is supported by the Emotional Wellbeing Team who identify where the need is most and in conjunction with senior leaders, decide on the best support.
In addition to children’s wellbeing, we recognise the importance of staff mental health and wellbeing. Our Mental Health Champions, comprising of 5 members of staff, are working together to ensure positive mental health is actively promoted through recognition boards and events as well as staff circles to promote community and a sense of belonging. This is managed under the umbrella of the Trust’s Mental Health working party. The Mental Health Champions conduct regular staff voice surveys to identify areas of need, for example training and signpost training for the appropriate members of staff.
‘It’s good to see the kids smile on their faces before school and after school.’
‘Eastfield Primary School is a safe environment for my child to learn and grow.’
‘An outstanding school both academically and in sporting achievements with friendly staff.’
‘Excellent and varied extra curricular activities.’
‘Brilliant school. My daughter has absolutely thrived since being here.’
‘I have seen my child develop socially and academically during her time there.’
‘My child thoroughly enjoys coming to school and is making good progress.’
‘Eastfield has given my children the best start in their educational journey.’
‘Having opportunities for the children to take part in activities outside the classroom is a real positive.’
‘The curriculum is delivered in a way that makes his education fun & exciting.’
‘Members of our family have been pupils at Eastfield since 1975 – highly recommended.’
‘The school ethos is fantastic – my daughter comes home with a happy story every day.’
‘My child has progressed in lots of different ways whilst being at Eastfield primary school.’
‘I’m very happy with my child’s progress, and can see how happy he enjoys his time learning.’
‘Excellent school that manages to involve all pupils.’
‘Good updates on current activities and curriculum. Supportive staff.’