SEND information for parents
At Eastfield Primary School we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities.
We seek to ensure that pupils with SEN are fully included in all aspects of school life. We believe that pupils with SEN and their parents/carers should be at the heart of planning and decision making. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils with SEN and their parents/carers to play an active role in planning their provision in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014.
School Contact
SENCO & Inclusion Manager: Mrs L Taylor
Hull Local Offer
The Hull SEND Local Offer website is full of information on education, transport, support services and more
Further information:
HCAT Accessibility Plan
download_for_offlineHCAT Accessibility Plan
- SEND-Information-Report download_for_offline
- SEN-Policy download_for_offline
FAQ’s for parents
Please find a list of frequently asked questions
Helpful websites to visit:
- Autism Little Learners:
A website offering free social stories for children to help understand life during COVID19. - Parent Champions:
A website supporting parents of children with reading and writing difficulties. - Nessy:
A website which supports children with reading or writing difficulties and children with dyslexia. - I Can:
A website for supporting children with speech and language difficulties. - Wheel of Apps:
A list of suggested iPad Apps for learners with dyslexia, reading, writing and maths - Family Maths Toolkit:
A website for supporting children with maths difficulties. - The National Autistic Society:
A website giving more information about Autism. - Dyslexia Action:
A website giving more information about Dyslexia.
Top tips to help your child:
- SEND-Information-Report download_for_offline